Design for a 4-story multi-family residence in Philadelphia. Nearing final completion, units feature 1-2 bedrooms & all the modern conveniences of an open living plan with amenities. Since this project was located along a portion of 16th street that had an interplay of buildings of varying character; both old & new, the exterior of this new building had to strike a balance between the two. Using a classic variegated red brick, attention to detail was put into the placement of cast stone. Used in cornice bands at varying heights, the stone begins to break down the vertical height of the façade. It’s further use for the window heads & quoins at the corners of the building, once again seek to emulate, without duplicating elements of the older buildings on the block. The entry portal, framed in cast stone & accented with charcoal brick, creates a defined entry, and serves as the metaphoric transition between old & new.